
Line of best fit graph
Line of best fit graph

line of best fit graph

it should have points above and below the line at both ends of the line. it must line up best with the majority of the data, and less with data points that differ from the majority.

  • The line must reflect the trend in the data, i.e.
  • To draw the line of best fit, consider the following:

    #Line of best fit graph how to#

    In Year 11 and 12 Physics, the trends that you will investigate are mostly linear, or can be converted into linear graphs, and, hence, you’ll be required to draw a line of best fit.Īn example of a correctly drawn line of best fit is shown below, along with an incorrect one: How to draw a line of best fit Do not simply restate what is already shown on the axes. Your title should clearly communicate what the graph is about.If required to extrapolate (extend the graph along the same slope beyond the range of data), use a dotted line to indicate that you are extrapolating.Do not extend your line beyond this range.

    line of best fit graph

    Only draw the line (or curve) over the range for which you have data.Most graphs of experimental data in Physics are linear and not drawn as “connect­ the ­dots”. Draw a curve or a line that best describes the identified trend.Remove any outliers from consideration.Identify a trend or a relationship between the independent and dependent variables.Plot each data value on the graph with a cross (x).Clearly label the x and y-axes including the units of each measurement.If one division represents one metre at the beginning of the graph on one axis, one division always represents one metre on that axis. The scale of each axis may be different, but each one must be consistent.They do not need to start at zero but it is recommended as this allows you to extrapolate if needed. The range of each axis may be different.Use a scale that allows your data to be graphed as large as possible in the space provided.Determine a scale, (the numerical value for each square or division), that best fits the range of each variable.Subtract the lowest data value from the highest data value.Place your independent variable on the x-axis of your graph and the dependent variable on the y-axis.

    Line of best fit graph